Mom’s Christmas Cookies

                                                     6 Christmas Goodies and Treats as part of our Twelve Days of Christmas .      Twelve Days of Christmas starts HERE.
During the Christmas Season I baked and prepared foods for entertaining to share with you all. What I didn’t know is that there would be a tragedy here in Connecticut so the Twelve Days of Christmas on my blog has been pushed back a few weeks. But I want to finish the 12 Days of Christmas since so many nice things have been made and especially I wanted to post about my Mom’s wonderful and unique Christmas cookies and goodies.


I posted about my Mom’s Mincemeat Squares including the recipe HERE. All you need is a piecrust dough on the top and the bottom and the filling recipe is HERE. A BIG HIT around these here parts. :)

mincemeat squares


Here’s Mom at 103 reading her pixie cookie recipe. She makes them every year.  Michele, niece, and I helped make them this year (don’t ask me why. Mom made dozens of chocolate chip cookies this season, probably over 100 easily).
She’s always all dressed up like going to a party.

reading the recipe

This recipe is interesting because it has cottage cheese in it. It’s marvelous, light and flaky with a sugary walnut filling.


Here’s the recipe:

recipe for pixie cookies

Cream together…
12 oz. of margarine
1 lb. small curd cottage cheese
4 cups of flour
1 TBSP sugar
Sometimes it’s good to cool the dough a little before rolling because it’s very delicate.
Roll as thinly as you can.

rolling the dough

Cut into 3” squares or whatever size you like.

pixie cookies

How to make the filling: Grind walnuts

grinding the walnuts

3/4 cup of margarine
2 cups of sugar
2 TBSP of water
Cook until it boils, about 4 minutes
Add 3/4 cup of crushed walnuts
The mixture will be very thick and chunky. That’s okay.
Place 1 tsp. on each square of rolled out dough.
Mom getting ready to make the walnut filling. Mom’s kitchen. Nice. Clean. ha ha

IMG_6260 (640x480)

I put too much on these squares. Only 1 tsp is needed. See the cottage cheese?


Bring up two corners and pinch in the middle to make a Pixie Cookie. (sometimes I call them diapers).


This recipe is very old… probably over  a hundred years old since my mother got this recipe from someone else when she was in her twenties…


zzzzzzC9561C493251B0E7B572C8A863B55985Hope you enjoyed these TWO recipes from my Mom. FOUR  more  recipes to go as part of the SIX Christmas Goodies and Treats…. coming soon….
Best Christmastime memories,

 Parties to Peruse:

Saturday Showcase
Freedom Fridays
My Romantic Home
Tatertots and Jello


  1. Linda,your mom looks fabulous....can't believe she's still baking! Glad you told me how to find you from google+ What a PIA!!! I guess people won't be finding me that easy either, at least on my G+ account. I still have a google one, too....I think that's why I see different pics of myself in the follower's list!
    Thanks, again,for stopping by to comment on my pics and blog. I appreciate your kind words!

  2. Linda,
    Your mom is so cute. I love the recipe for pixie cookies. They look delicious.
    Happy New Year.

  3. Happy New Year!
    Thank you so much for sharing your tasty recipe with us last week in the Bowdabra Crafty Showcase. We love seeing your creations! If you haven't yet stopped in, the new Showcase is up and running! We can't wait to see what you share with us in 2013!


  4. My goodness! Those little so tasty! and its so neat that it is such an old recipe! I hate to think how many great recipes we dont have around anymore that have just been lost with time.


So happy you came to visit today. Everyone is so busy but if you would like to leave a note for me, I would love it!!


I am the crafter extraordinaire (on this blog anyway.) I live with my husband, my son, David, in a cozy cape cod style house in Connecticut.

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