Painting and Glittering Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas –spray painting and glittering hydrangeas. I love the look of dried hydrangeas but for me they need a little bit more. For my Mom’s birthday party I sprayed dried hydrangeas with a light pink color HERE.
IMG_0589 (800x600)
IMG_0609 (800x600)
A few weeks ago when I knew I was going to put some of the hydrangeas on a Christmas Tree, I went outside and took in some hydrangeas so that they would be dry in time for the Christmas decorating. There is still time to get them dried. It doesn’t take long – maybe a week inside in the warmth. I hung them in my daughter’s mudroom – she said she had dried some there successfully.
Dried hydrangeas…
Dried hydrangeas
Spray paint and glitter….
Spray paintspray painted hydrangeas
Wala….Is that how you spell it?
Glitter hydranges2
For some reason the color looks a little garish but it doesn’t look that way in person so I don’t know why?
Painted hydrangeas
It looks nice on the tree. Here is a preview of one of my Christmas Trees. See the hydrangeas?
Tree #1 - 2 (480x640)
If you have any hydrangea bushes, this is an easy thing that makes a big impact on a Christmas tree. It kinda fills in those empty green places.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.


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Made in a Day

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  1. How fun! I love the idea of glittering some hydrangeas! I've had the glitter going here - fluffing some stuff up for the Craft Market I'm setting up at Saturday!

    1. Good luck at your Craft Market, Jill. Thanks for joining the conversation. Linda

  2. Wow. That's a great idea. I never thought of that!

  3. What a great idea and easy steps on creating a Christmas tree with dried hydrangeas. I cannot wait to have a Christmas decoration for this holiday now!

  4. This is beautiful. Please add my name to win.
    Thank you!

  5. P.S. I love hearing about how you named your blog!

  6. Such a pretty, romantic touch for your tree ♥

  7. Simple and beautiful...what's not to love.

  8. Those do look pretty. I wouldn't have thought of painting them.

  9. What a great idea! I wish I could get hydrangeas to grow here. I can usually get a bush going but the Texas heat just zaps them. I will keep trying though because I really do love them, then maybe I can dry some.

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I am the crafter extraordinaire (on this blog anyway.) I live with my husband, my son, David, in a cozy cape cod style house in Connecticut.

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