Something interesting baby shoes art

Take a look at this: Here is the blog it came from. Very original, wouldn't you say? Using odd and unusual materials, cool. Rubblearium. There are lots more pictures of baby shoes on the Etsy site. Best wishes! Linda


  1. That is a strange looking shoe! It took me a minute to realize it was made out of bread. I went to her etsy site and was amazed at the different things she had made baby shoes out of! I think I like my old fashioned crocheted ones better! Hahaha
    Have a very Blessed Lord's day!

  2. I too looked and looked at that baby shoe trying to figure out what it was made out of. then it hit me, it is bread, recognizeable from the crust across the front. How interesting. Thanks for dropping by and leaving comment on my blog the other day Linda. Nice to "see" you again. I must hang my head in shame, have not been here to visit for a while. Just having a hard time keeping up at times, and I fear I have been neglectful in my visits to friends at times. I just had fun reading thru some of your recent post though and getting caught up! Have a good Sunday, the start to a new month already. warmly, Debby

  3. that is so spectacularly creative!! thanks for sharing it I LOVE it!

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I am the crafter extraordinaire (on this blog anyway.) I live with my husband, my son, David, in a cozy cape cod style house in Connecticut.

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