Wing Chair - You win!

I give up. I started to upholster the wing chairs (I have two of them) tonight. My Mom gave me the courage finally to start the project. What a HUGE JOB this is. It's too hard for me. The one arm I did is a complete hack job. I'm done. I'm calling around to see if I can get someone to do it for me. I got a some prices on how much it would cost me - at least $400. just for the labor and one guy wanted $500. It's worth every penny, believe me. Mom was holding it down while I stapled - there are staples all over the room...they wouldn't go in the wood for some reason. Then the staples went in half way and I had to hammer them in the rest of the way but one side of the staple would flatten out so it wasn't in good and solid. I snipped one piece of fabric a little short and then I had to pull like crazy so that another part would stretch over it and hide it. My back feels broken. It's way too much for me. I so wanted to do this myself, but I think it's beyond me. Here are some pictures of the torture.


  1. Upholstery is a lot of work! My dad built furniture and upholstered furniture his whole life. He just retired a few years ago. I worked for him in his shop for a while and I was the one who helped him remove the old covers. Believe me it can be a very tiring job! Especially in very old furniture where they used tacks to upholstery the furniture. My dad was the best! Everybody brought him their antiques to do as they knew how good he was and I still have people telling me today they wish he was still in business. I definitely recommend having a professional do your chair for you. Boy, if those people are asking $400.00 or $500.00 they are making a lot! My dad never charged that much labor. I always told him he did not charge enough. Good luck with your chair!
    Have a Blessed Day,

  2. Linda, you are a brave woman to even adventure into that project. Bravo for attempting. Love the fabric and it will be just lovely when it is all done. Show us your finished project.

    Happy day to you,

  3. I'm glad you found me also, honey. I'm glad I found you!!!

    I tried reupholstering once and got as far as 1/2 of the staples removed, called a professional and turned it over to her, my little cherub!!! Never ever again.

    But yours looks like you were doing pretty good there. But I completely understand, trust me. Not for the faint-hearted, I tell ya, chickee.

    Come back and visit with me and have a few chuckles, lady......


  4. Hi Linda, thanks for stopping by my blog and for your kind words! I promise I am chuckling with you, not at you, about your poor chair. Unfortunately I know all too well about being beaten by a project that seemed so doable until I got started!

    If you can quilt, though, I'm sure you can conquer that gorgeous beaded bag. :)


So happy you came to visit today. Everyone is so busy but if you would like to leave a note for me, I would love it!!


I am the crafter extraordinaire (on this blog anyway.) I live with my husband, my son, David, in a cozy cape cod style house in Connecticut.

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