Our Treasure

Here is our mother who is 99 years young. Her mother and grandmother were strong, creative women who could do anything. The genes must have passed down to my sister and brother also because my brother built his house and some furniture and my sister and I love to do all kinds of things, too. Our mother is always talking about the courage that her grandmother had. Her grandmother had 8 children and raised them by herself after her husband died. One little baby died from whooping cough.Mom says her mother remembers her mother as very sad after this happened. She cried for many months until a little angel appeared to her and said "Don't cry, don't cry" in French as they only spoke French. After that she never cried again for she knew her baby was happy in Heaven. This woman also bought a little red schoolhouse that was for sale and had it moved to another lot and that became their home. Mom's grandmother lived into her late 80's and her mother lived until she was 101.

1 comment

  1. I like that throughout yr blog, you mentioned yr mother here & there. Reading about mothers always touched me & yet, make me a little sad.

    The woman who gave birth to me was nothing like yr mother. The woman who took me & became my mother, was wonderful She worked from the age of 8 till 60. I hope to think that I take after her, my mother.


So happy you came to visit today. Everyone is so busy but if you would like to leave a note for me, I would love it!!


I am the crafter extraordinaire (on this blog anyway.) I live with my husband, my son, David, in a cozy cape cod style house in Connecticut.

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