How I Cleaned Up My Junk Cupboard in the Kitchen

Yes, this was really, really messy. This cupboard was basically unusable because whenever I went into it, things fell out. Then I had to cram them back in again as I said, "I've got to do something about this soon". Okay, well the time came and one trouble is that I didn't get a really good BEFORE picture. I hate that. I think about pictures halfway through a project!  Here we go...

Here is the AFTER: I put additional shelves in this long kitchen cabinet so that I could put a plastic bin on each shelf. I thought of doubling up on the bins such as 2 bins per shelf but then thought it would really be inconvenient to have to lift both bins out to get to the bottom one. I did double up on the bottom shelf with things I don't use that often.

I brought the existing shelf to Home Depot and they cut me the right length for 2 additional shelves. Very easy. Then I had to adjust these little babies so that all of the shelves could be accommodated. I bought an additional bag of these at Home Depot also.

Here is the BEFORE: Actually, I already had started to clean out the cupboard when I decided to take the picture. It's bad enough, right?

See how nice this is now that each bin is separate? I can take out separate bins and not have to battle with stuff falling... :)

I'm working my way through each cabinet and closet in the house and not only to clean them out - that only works for so long - I'm implementing a system for keeping things orderly also. In this case the multiple shelves and bins.

I also cleaned out the 3 "junk" drawers which held everything from tools, batteries, nails, extension cords, etc.

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Hope you are having a great weekend. Thanks for reading, my friends.


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I am the crafter extraordinaire (on this blog anyway.) I live with my husband, my son, David, in a cozy cape cod style house in Connecticut.

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